Two friends backpacking through Asia. Serving together, surviving together, seeing the land and the people. Follow the footprints of two disciples as they embark on their adventure.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Haha suckers

So to all you people who thought this blog was going to be rippin' it! It got hyped pretty high - but what a bust eh? We're in Chiang Mai... driving motorcycles and learning thai cooking. That's all you get. Check our other blogs if you want some meat with those veggies.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My Wife, My Life

Monday, March 05, 2007


Does anyone read this? If they do then they must have nothing else to do, or are losers. Comment to that, suckas!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Modern Galatia

Okay I usually don't rant about stuff but I've been thinking about travelling. What is the point? Seriously have we thought about is a Christian community at all. 'Therefore go into all the world,' then we stop... no, actually it says, 'and make disciples of all nations.' So why do we continually squander our money on selfish pride inducing flings. Perhaps that is harsh but there are many people who will go on a trip (expereince) to say that they have done it; 'I've been there', 'I've done that', 'I've seen that'.

I myself need to apologize to the Lord who has given many opportinties that I have missed. We can be blinded by the excitement of a trip, the experience, as it were. And we know that it 'leads to growth'. Unfortunately we can easily turn these growth experiences into idols. We worship the experience for what it gives us, denying God opportunities he gives us to serve and minister along the way.

Are we a modern form of Galatia? They used circumcision as a spiritual banner, to impress others by means of the flesh. Let us not take pride in our accomplishments, our experiences. Instead let us take pride in the works the Lord has done and is doing, whom we seek to serve. As Paul says, 'May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, whrough which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."

I am not denying the value of travelling. I am merely stating that I think there is little value in travelling for the sake of travelling. But then this is what we are taught by our Pluralistic society right? Take, consume, indulge... It is better to live life, try something new. How postmodern have we become? Unfortunately the captivity of western culture defines how we live as young people instead of the Bible, the Word of God. May we seek to challenge culture where it is wrong, and learn to understand the lasting joy that comes from living in faith and obedience for the Lord.

Is this dead?

I ask myself this question when I sign onto blogger and realize I have three blogs, of which I only use one. So cody, if you are still there, should we kill this thing? I mean I guess we can keep it going once you get here. But it might be better to promote a whole new blog, make it exciting! But I do love the address, so let's keep that.

So as far as plans go, well on this end I havn't been thinking too much about anything a couple months away because I do not even know if I will have the visas to stay in the country for much longer. However, once I confirm which visa I get than I will be better able to plan.

As for myself, I will continue to teach at Ban Prang school in Pua, Nan Province, Thailand until it ends, which is the 16th of March. Then I will possibly go down to Chon Buri for a week or so to visit. Then I will head back up to Chiang Mai, where I may be working at an orphanage for the month of April. At this point my internship will be completed, hopefully, and I will be given a little more freedom to apply myself where I will. I would like to make my way back to Pua in the month of May to visit the teachers here once school begins and perhaps help out with the return of the students... and if Cody would like to as well he is more than welcome.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Finally an update!

Well, here we are. It's 2007 - and there's a lot of big things going. Seeing as we have a blog for backpacking asia - I thought I'd at least update with some of the latest info from me and Luker. So... as many of you know - Luke is in Thailand. At the end of December, he departed for that lovely country where he is carrying out his 4 month internship.
On the other end of life - I am beginning to more seriously prepare for the trip. Researching visa information and getting my immunizations lined up are a couple of the things I've been up to.
If you want to check up on Luke more frequently - be sure to check his blog ( He is fairly faithful thus far in updating.
As for me - well... all I can say is that the excitement is building more and more each day. I now have a couple of guidebooks and phrase books - and it's been so much fun reading and discovering all the potential that those Asian countries hold.
Luke, I'm so thankful for you. I can't say that I would be as pumped as I am now if I knew that I had to travel alone - but I am so blessed that even years after bible school - I get to travel for several months with one of my best friends.
Once again - all you readers out there - if you know of something you've seen or heard of that would be interesting in Thailand, India, Nepal, Cambodia, or China - please make a suggestion.
Oh by the way, I leave May 1. The countdown is on!


P.S. - Hey Luke! I was researching some volunteering opportunities in India - and it turns out that there is tonnes of places to volunteer (even just by showing up). Kolkata has places as well where you can work with street kids for a week at a time and stuff like that. I will keep looking and see what kind of things I can find. Love you man!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ready to Go

So I just returned from a trip to Edmonton. I visited MEC, picked up a ton of stuff, and got my Visa for Thailand. So far stuff is working out. Seriously though, I wish we had a MEC in Saskatoon, although I would spend way to much. So here are some of the things I purchased. I know you love this stuff Codes so I thought I'd show you.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Big News!

Yeah! So my tickets have been purchased. I'm flying on the 1st of may and set to arrive back home on July 5th. I'm very excited obviously! Secondly, be honest Luke, is the name of this blog a little on the side of cheese? You know you can be honest. Swell weekend all!