Two friends backpacking through Asia. Serving together, surviving together, seeing the land and the people. Follow the footprints of two disciples as they embark on their adventure.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ready to Go

So I just returned from a trip to Edmonton. I visited MEC, picked up a ton of stuff, and got my Visa for Thailand. So far stuff is working out. Seriously though, I wish we had a MEC in Saskatoon, although I would spend way to much. So here are some of the things I purchased. I know you love this stuff Codes so I thought I'd show you.


Blogger Cody and Rachel said...

That's what I like to see. I just got back from the trip down south, and now it's gearing up time for Thailand. I can't wait! I'm so excited for you because you get to work for several months now in Thailand... I'll be praying for you tonnes. Yeah I picked up some shoes just like yours with my birthday money (Salomon, not Garmont - we'll see who's take the beating better!) Anyways, I'm going to go and call you right now!!!

1:35 PM


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